Chhota Bheem (transl. Little Bheem) is an Indian animated comedy adventure television series, created by Green Gold Animations based in Hyderabad. This show is available in English, Hindi, Telugu and Tamil. Bheem is a brave, strong and intelligent young boy. He often manages to solve everyone's problems which endears him to the townspeople of Dholakpur.[1]
23 December 2012
23 December 2012
📰 Title : Chhota Bheem aur Ganesha
📺 Type : Chhota Bheem aur Ganesha
📆 Release Date : 1.08.28
⏰ Runtime : min
🌐 Network : Netflix
🎭 Genres : Action, Comedy, Adventure
🍀 Quality : 480p , 1080p
🎧 Audio : Hindi
Encoder :- Sami Kids World